Google Search Generative Experience Launch

Google Search Generative Experience: First Live Tests Underway

In the SEO and tech world, there's a buzz: Rumors about the upcoming launch of Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) are circulating. As shared by Barry Schwartz on LinkedIn, SGE is now appearing in Google searches for a select user group in the USA who did not sign up for the lab experiment.

Google's SGE promises to fundamentally change the way we find information. With AI-generated texts and interactive elements, the search is set to become more intuitive and efficient.

Will the Google Search Generative Experience Launch on May 14, 2024?

May 14, 2024 – the day of Google I/O – is being speculated as a potential launch date. The LinkedIn post by Eli Schwartz has made waves. Although Google PR has not officially confirmed this information, the date seems to be circulating internally as a target.

  • Limitation to certain categories: Entertainment, informative searches, etc.
  • Country-specific launch: e.g., initially only in the USA
  • Gradual expansion to various search queries
  • Display of SGE only on the first attempt at a search
  • Limited to desktop devices

Why the Caution?

With SGE, Google is navigating a delicate balance. On one hand, the technology holds great potential for improving user experience. On the other, it could impact the lucrative business model of search engine advertising (SEA). It's no wonder Google is proceeding with caution.

SEO Community: Strategy Adjustments Required

The introduction of SGE could fundamentally change the SEO landscape. The following points are particularly relevant:

  • Less clicks on organic search results: SGE could push organic results further down as AI-generated answers take the forefront.
  • New challenges for keyword research: Long-tail keywords and queries could become more important as SGE is designed for precise user guidance.
  • Adjusting content strategy: Content must be prepared in a way that meets the requirements of SGE and can be processed by the AI.

Regardless of the exact launch date and scope of introduction, it's important for the SEO community to keep an eye on developments. SGE has the potential to drastically change search results and, thus, SEO strategies.


The launch of SGE marks a new era in search engine optimization. The exact timing and impact on the SEO landscape remain uncertain. However, one thing is clear: The future of search belongs to the Generative Experience.

Helpful Information:

Note: This blog article is based on currently available information. We will update this article as more news on SGE becomes available.

Leadsleader, the online marketing agency specializing in SEO, SEO consulting, and digital marketing. We significantly enhance the visibility of your website in search engines and employ strategic digital marketing tactics to generate qualified leads.

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